Thursday, November 26, 2009

What this spot is intended to be about..

What kind of a blogger would create their new blog without posting the first words on it the very same day of creating it. Well, I'm certainly not the one... Let me just try to express in a few words what my blog's intentions are. I chose to post in English, even though is not my native language of course, since I'm from Slovakia (for those who don't know where it is - and there are many, the former Czechoslovakia should give you a pretty good idea :) There are a few reasons why I decided that way.

First, I just like the language overall. I like the way it sounds, I like how simple it is for non-English people to learn its basics, and I like its rather easy and straightforward grammar, if compared to some other languages, among which Slovak and Czech might be one of the best examples. Second, "everybody" can "speak" English. Third, when talking about software development and computer science, and that's what this blog spot should be about from the main part, English really is the language number one in the field. Fourth, I myself as a non-English native, by writing in English I can improve my language skills and you as a reader can improve your reading skills. As you'll notice, my English is not perfect in many ways, so I apologize to those whose English is flawless :) And fifth, if no one ever gives this blog a peek, it doesn't really matter what language I use, does it :)

On this weblog I want to share some of the interesting stuff I deal with every other day. My intention is to summarize outcomes, results or solutions to my school or work assignments (and most of them involve software development), especially the ones that took me a somewhat longer time to figure out. There are many blogs and discussion boards out there that have helped me many times and have saved me hours of time, and they surely will many more... The thought of saving someone else's few moments in return, by writing about something that gave me a hard time, sounds pretty good to me.

As I said at the beginning of this post, I guess there aren't many new blogs without its first post being published right away. So this one is no longer among them either. But, may it also not be among those, where the only post is all you can ever find. Well, we'll see what I can do... take care


  1. ooooou yeah :)
    I hope your blog will be helpful for many SW developers. enjoy your writing time

  2. well... pour yourself a cup of coffee and we'll be partners ;) thanks miq
